Standard and Specialized Tests
Gathering the right information is an integral part of your health plan!
525 March Road,
Kanata, ON.
The Whole Medicine Formula for Success
We begin with a detailed assessment and relevant testing to get a big-picture view of what’s going on.
We work with you to prioritize issues and address each of your concerns in the right order.
We use customized treatments to get to the root of your concerns instead of just treating your symptoms
We educate and empower you with diet & lifestyle changes to keep you feeling your best.
Your needs change. Regular check-ins and treatment plan modification help keep you healthy over the long term.
Blood Tests
Screening for OPTIMAL health requires the proper assessment of nutrient deficiencies (ex. Iron, Vitamin D & B12), blood sugar disturbances, inflammation, immune dysregulation, organ dysfunction and hormone imbalances.
Hormone Analysis
Hormones (thyroid, insulin, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol) directly affect your mood, memory, energy, menstrual cycle, weight, sleep and libido. Hormones that are well-balanced contribute to
overall wellness and good physical and mental health.
SIBO Testing for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Heartburn and other digestive concerns.
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is the cause of over 80% of IBS cases. Testing for SIBO can be a critical step in finding the cause of your digestive symptoms. We offer a 3-hour lactulose breath test that you can do in the comfort of your home
Comprehensive Digestive Analysis
These comprehensive stool analyses assess digestive and absorptive function, presence of opportunistic pathogens (candida, parasite, c. difficile, etc.) and provide critical information to help correct persistent diarrhea, constipation, bloating, indigestion, IBS and malabsorption.
Food Intolerance Testing
A food intolerance is a non-allergic hypersensitivity reaction that can result in an immediate reaction or may emerge hours to days after ingesting. Food eaten regularly must be tested because it could be a potential intolerance (especially if it is a craved food!). Digestive concerns, IBS, autoimmune conditions, hypothyroid, eczema, mood disorders, fatigue, migraines & headache may improve with identification and removal of intolerances.
Organic Acids Test
Gain insight into the biochemical and metabolic functions of your body. This information is foundational in the treatment of ADD/ADHD, autism, behavioural issues, mood imbalances, neurological dysfunction, fatigue and immune dysregulation.
Finally, a personal approach to health care that takes you from ‘just surviving’ your day to thriving!

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps
Book Your Appointment Now
During your initial consultation, we will complete a full health history to assess your current health, health needs, and helpful testing. Your initial visit will be up to 50 minutes. If you have a complex medical history or want more time with your ND, we recommend booking a comprehensive 80-min initial visit.
Complete Consent & Intake Forms
After booking an appointment, you will receive an email to log in to your patient health portal and complete our online forms. If you prefer to fill out a paper version, please email us to request the forms be emailed to you.
Attend Your Online Appointment with Ease
Attending your appointment has never been easier. We proudly serve Ontario residents virtually. Virtual appointments can be securely accessed directly through a website browser with no software or download required. Simply click the link below or visit our Patients Page to log in at the time of your appointment!
Knowing the root cause of your fatigue is the crucial first step to restoring your energy! Access our FREE Top 10 Tests for Fatigue guide and take your first step towards putting the bounce back in your step now!